Zoë with an Ë

Zoe is a glitter enthusiast, public health worker bee, and lover of stories and peanut butter. She feels happiest when she’s had 8 hours of sleep, 7 cups of tea and is in the sunshine! She would rather know about how your day was than write this bio! Zoe’s favorite punctuation mark is the exclamation point! Zoe just learned that a ! can also be called “a screamer, a gasper, a slammer or a startler, a shriek or a pling, a dembanger or a shout pole” which are surprisingly accurate descriptions of Zoe herself.

You can read a shorter version of this bio over at http://spokesppl.org, a storytelling organization that puts on monthly shows of true stories told by YOU (and other interesting people) across the bay area!

Email Zoe at zoe (at) sfneofuturists.com

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